Getting the Most Life from Your Vinyl Pool Liner

To get the longest lifespan from your inground vinyl pool liner, here are four considerations on what you can do. starting with the type of liner you purchased and where you purchased it from.

1. Vinyl Quality

The quality of the vinyl liner material is absolutely critical for a long-lasting inground vinyl pool liner. High-quality North American virgin vinyl is the best material to withstand a harsh pool environment.

A vinyl pool liner is engineered to resist fading, weathering, and abrasion. Cheaper foreign vinyl is not tested and proven to meet the same quality standards.

That’s because over time, cheaper foreign vinyl breaks down and is prone to fading and cracking. Kayden Manufacturing uses only 100% North American virgin vinyl to ensure you get the maximum life out of your pool’s liner.

2. Proper Chemical Use

Maintaining a proper chemical balance can extend the life of the liner significantly. When chemicals are out of balance, the liner can wrinkle, fade, or even dry rot.

The difference between a pool that’s in or out of balance is small. Identifying the difference isn’t difficult, but if a pool’s chemical composition isn’t done right, it can be costly.

If you don’t have the time or don’t want to deal with it, we recommend having a qualified pool professional monitor and maintain the chemical balance in your pool.

A professional can help prevent chemicals from damaging your liner, thereby ruining your investment.

3. The Liner Fit

When vinyl is overstretched, it becomes weaker and therefore can place significant stress on your pool liner — potentially taking years off your pool’s lifespan. An inground vinyl pool liner needs to precisely fit the shape and contours of the pool, so the liner isn’t overstretched.

To ensure a snug liner fit, the pool has to be measured well. To do that, we recommend contacting Kayden or a Kayden Manufacturing dealer to help.

4. Use a Safety Cover in the Off-Season

A safety cover keeps vinyl pool liners protected better than any other type of cover on the market. Safety covers prevent debris from falling in the pool and damaging the liner, and they prevent fading by keeping the pool out of sunlight.

Safety covers are easy to install, remove, and maintain. Adding a safety cover to your pool is a smart investment.

In addition to extending the life of your liner, investing in a safety cover will save you money on chemicals and water.  

For more information about inground vinyl pool liners, contact Kayden Manufacturing at (201) 880-9898 today!

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