Does a Darker Liner Make My Pool Warmer?

Pool owners want to keep their water at a comfortable temperature. Many often ask: does a darker pool liner keep my pool warmer?

As pool liner experts, we get this type of question all of the time. The answer isn’t as easy as you think.

This is a very controversial topic in the industry with diverging opinions on both sides.

Some swear that with a darker liner, their pool is 5-10 degrees warmer. Others claim that the darker color has no impact on the temperature.

The fact is that technically, darker colors help absorb the sun’s heat. This is why they suggest wearing lighter colors in the summer and why we don’t step on blacktops barefoot on a hot day.

Unfortunately, due to the water, refraction is involved. Refraction is the way the water disperses the light once it hits in all different directions. Therefore, the result, although maybe a degree or two warmer, does not lead to a significant temperature change.

There is no conclusive evidence available to tell us whether a pool actually gets warmer depending on the color of the liner. In the end, the amount of energy saved heating your pool will probably be negligible when you check your bill at the end of the month.

Don’t let that fact be the deciding factor on whether to opt for a new pool liner. There are many beautiful patterns and colors available for pool liners.

What’s more important is that you’re attracted to the aesthetic appeal of the pool and that the pool complements your yard and home. Check out the pool liner patterns available at Kayden Manufacturing.

Do your own experiment, and comment below to let us know if your pool liner affected your pool’s temperature!

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