Your Pool Questions Answered
What is a "parachute" or "expandable" pool liner?
A “parachute” pool liner refers to a liner that is significantly undersized. These liners were quite common in the past, though their use has diminished in recent years. The concept behind a parachute liner was to provide a one-size-fits-all solution that could be readily stocked. However, contemporary practices favor custom-made liners to ensure durability and a precise fit. Due to the extensive stretching involved, parachute liners generally have a shorter lifespan compared to custom-fitted liners. Nevertheless, some manufacturers continue to produce parachute liners. Be cautious of products advertised with phrases like “All Sizes in Stock,” as these are likely parachute liners.
Do you sell to the public?
We distribute our pool liners exclusively through our network of dealers. The measurement and installation of a pool liner are complex processes best handled by trained professionals.
I’ve heard people use the term “gauge” for measuring vinyl thickness, but you only use “mil”. What’s the difference?
The term “gauge” is often used by liner manufacturers, but it is incorrect and misleading.
In most industries, “gauge” refers to a measurement system in which an item (such as wire or sheet metal) is measured using a specific gauge tool. The gauge number corresponds to the number of items that fit into the tool, so a thicker item has a smaller gauge number. For example, if 14 pieces of sheet metal fit into the gauge, it is designated as 14-gauge steel. The steel industry has standardized these measurements, but no such standard exists for vinyl.
Due to the lack of a standardized gauge for vinyl, the actual thickness of “30-gauge” vinyl can vary widely. It is a loophole that can be misleading for consumers.
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